Saturday, July 26, 2008

It's been awhile.......

Hey Everyone--

First of all I am the worst blogger ever! It's been forever since I have updated this ----Sorry. Well, things have sure been busy but now that I have a new job, where I don't work 45 hours a week hopefully I will keep this up better. I am now working with Evergreen Playschool as an "two-year old" teacher. I am very excited to be back in the classroom --that is where my heart is. My work schedule is so much better and I get lots of time off around the Holidays so I am super happy. Everyone here is doing well. We had to make our first trip to the emergency room last weekend. Abagail got her first set of stitches thanks to her big brother . Michael was out back messing around with his new "driver" (golf club) and Abbeys face just happen to get in the way. It was an accident and of course, Micheal felt terrible about it. She was a very brave girl -- she didn't even cry at all. She's a strong one. She kept asking me if Michael was going to get in trouble because she knows it was just an accident. He was worried about her and she was worried about him--too sweet!

We finally made our first road trip this month. We went to "Texas" for the 4th of July. It was nice spending a holiday with family and seeing everyone. The kids went down to Texas for a couple of weeks at the end of June and spent time with my Dad and Brenda and then with my Mom. They sure had a great time but Kenny and I sure were missing them. (The house was way quite.......) So, what did Kenny and I do without the kids..... we went to the movies, we played in a pool tournment, and we went down to Tunica to go gambling. We won $150. 00 that went to our "new fence fund" for the house. We started a fence last month and did alot of landscaping out front so the house is looking great!

The kids start back to school on August 11th. Michael will be going into the 6th grade so he is starting middle school. We were going to put him in a private school but it was very expensive. We did put in a Transfer letter to the school board requesting that he goes to Millington Middle so hopefully, this will all work out. The middle school that he is suppose to go to sits right on the county line and they bus kids from "Memphis City" to this school. No Way!!!! I might be homeschooling if Michael doesnt get accepted but I am hoping it will work out. Abbey will still go to Lucy Elementary which is a great school and she will start the 4th grade. Tackle football practice starts this week and of course Michael is way excited. Go Millington Trojans...... Abbey hasn't starting anything yet she can't make up her mind what she would like to do. (Maybe soccer, gymnastics, or cheerleading well see.) She did get a drum set at the beginning of the summer and she can ROCK OUT! I need to find her some lessons soon. Check her video out below.....
Kenny is busy working and he has started back into playing Golf---Yeah! It keeps him happy so that's important. I really need to find me a hobby or a recreational anything-just something! Well, I promise to update again sometime in the future.. I hope you all are doing well, and we miss all of our friends back in Hawaii. Take care!


Paula Hollis said...

Hey Becca the house is beautiful and so are the kids. Can't wait to see ya'll again. I'm so glad ya'll are state side. When you talk to Johnna tell her we love and miss her. Looks like you have 2 very talented kids Abagail was great on the drums. You'll have to add a video of Michael playing the guitar. Love and Miss Ya,

Paula, Laura and Austin

ferg said...

Aloha Frantzens! Good to hear Ya'll are doin well in the burdgeoning metropolis of of Millington.
The house looks fantastic and Abby was sick pounding on the skins.
Cool site, I want one when I grow up.